Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Music is a Weapon for Change

This is my first entry and to give you an idea of what I am about and what is to come I made this video in response to the Egyptian Revolution 25 January 2011.  I believe we  people have the power, yet we acquiesce  to higher establishments. Be it in Argentina, China, USA, Iran or Syria we people are being ruled and fooled by the same formula with different variables, but the same results; classic dived and conquer tactics that have been used for years, thousands of years. I believe, as I think many others have said, the internet, the web of interconnectedness, is changing this thousand year old tradition. The flow and rate of information in the last 10 years has changed the name of governance. I believe that we people, around the world, have the power to change this nasty, nefarious system that we have been born into and those that control, deceive, cause death and war will hold onto their power as long as possible.

In the near future, it will be up to us to change it. We must not depend on them, but we must be able to depend on each other, as a community, localized economies with local leaders that will enact local demands; be it with your friends, your family, yourself and your neighbors. We must change it together. Here, I will not only post about politics, society, but in order for me to put my money where my mouth is, I  must be transparent and post about personal growth, feelings and my intuition.

I have gone to the web to find an audience that may or may not listen. I hope to express myself, not only with my opinions, but also with sourced information that you can go look up yourself and come to different conclusions or the same and have a dialogue.

I will do my best to challenge you and I hope you do the same for me.

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